Create Your Own Online Teaching Resources, Part 2 – The Tools

Create your own teaching resource Part 2

I’m a great fan of the TV programme ‘Grand Designs’.  I just love to see the buildings being erected from start to finish, and I marvel at some of the craftsmanship on show.

But it doesn’t matter how gifted you are as a craftsman, if you havn’t got the right tools then you can’t get the job done.

The same idea applies to creating your online teaching resources – if you havn’t got the right tools for the job then all your efforts will be fruitless.

In my second video in the ‘Create Your Own Online Teaching Resources’ series I describe in detail all of the software and hardware tools I use in order to make successful videos.

Many people may be a little cautious about dipping their toes into the video-production market, and quite rightly may not wish to invest their money in resources they might never use again.  I fully understand this view, and when I started out I used as much free kit as possible.

For example, screen recording software can be a significant investment.  But it’s always worth remembering that there are free options available.  My first online videos were recorded using a free bit of software called CamStudio.  It’s really easy to use, and the results are always very, very good.

So have a look at the video and make a note of all the tools you need to start putting together. Have a play with the various bits of software, and just discover what you can do with them.  In the next video we will look at putting our presentation together – it’s where the fun starts!

To view Part 2 of my course simply click on the image above or on the link below.

I always welcome feedback, so if you’ve got any questions or comments about developing your own online teaching resources then please contact me at:

Until next time,


Create Your Own Online Teaching
Resources, Part 2